
How to reflect your brand identity via social media?

Today, social media is as much a gold mine as a bottomless pit. You can find hundreds, even thousands of different information. It’s also a place of creative battle between competitors. Who will have the most beautiful designs? The most inspiring photos? The most vibrant texts? Today’s content creators are fighting a war to place their brand as a leader on their platform of choice. The biggest challenge? Staying true to their brand identity.

So in this ocean of publications, how can you stand out by putting forward your personality on social media?

Here are some tips to stand out from the crowd:

First, clearly establish your brand’s personality. And to do that, you need to start by getting your target audience right. You don’t communicate the same way with 18-25-year-old men as with 25-35-year-old women. You have to rely on your products/services, and on your audience. You can see the latter in the statistics of your various pages and it may surprise you!

Once your target is well-defined, think about the image and personality you want to give your brand. Will it be more inclusive or exclusive? Honest or mysterious? Creative or classic? Playful or reasonable? Your brand’s personality is the basis for establishing your communication style. The tone of voice you develop will also flow from your personality, so be sure to keep it the same on all your communications so you are recognizable with your first sentence. Whether you use “I”, “we”, or an absence of pronouns, stay as natural as possible and above all, yourself. This is the best way to ensure that your brand identity flows smoothly across your various media platforms.

And don’t forget that your online personality must be in line with your brand identity outside the platforms to avoid losing consumers along the way.

Then, think about giving each visual your graphic identity. Use your corporate identity and design standards to the fullest (but beware of egocentricity!) to impose your style. On Instagram for example, the visual is very important, because it’s the first thing consumers will see and it’s what will attract them to your profile. Stand out with your colours, logo, infographics and even your photos! Presets are used more and more: by using them, you can create a visual identity on your photos and especially make your life much easier. Your colours give you a real added value, which differentiates you from your competitors in addition to attracting the eye. Basically, your colours are your red buoy in the middle of an ocean: it’s your distinction. Use your website as a temple of your brand image, your ultimate reference.

Also, consider creating a sense of community. While keeping your established personality and tone of voice, you can post open-ended questions, and respond to messages and comments to start discussions about your products/services. By responding to your customers, you are establishing a direct connection with them. They will feel listened to by your brand and above all, it will create a feeling of closeness. So be active and even hyperactive!

Think about what you are putting forward to choose the right social platform. Each platform has its own particularities and companies do not need to be present on all of them. Let’s face it, Facebook is a must. But if you don’t have a “professional” aspect, avoid getting lost on LinkedIn. Likewise, if you don’t have attractive visuals, Instagram and Pinterest are not recommended. Once you’ve made your selection, set your communication strategy to maintain consistency. As a consumer, it’s not engaging to see a neat Instagram feed through December 2021 and three posts in 2022 to do some damage control and simply show the company still exists.

Finally, don’t skip the very famous, but nevertheless often forgotten biography. These few lines (or even a few characters depending on the platform) are a playground with hundreds of possibilities. A humorous sentence about your company? A clear and precise description? A social context that highlights your products/services? Again, it all depends on your communication strategy and tone of voice. If you write a biography with a touch of humour, you can’t go back to a strict tone of voice in your publications. Consistency, as mentioned above, is key when communicating via social platforms.

If you are interested in this topic, read our article for tips to increase your visibility on Instagram and understand the algorithm to stand out!

Have confidence in yourself and your brand. If you believed in it when you created it, others will believe in it too, you just have to attract them first!

Are you ready to spread your beautiful brand and its unique personality in the world of social media?


Project Manager

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