
Why Advertise on Facebook?

Digital marketing is becoming an increasingly important part of a company’s global marketing strategy. Indeed, establishing a brand’s presence on social media is crucial for it to develop its image, be in direct contact with its audience, and reach new people. Facebook plays a very important role thanks to its ads. 

Ready to learn more?

1. What is a Facebook ad?

Facebook Ads allow businesses to develop online advertising campaigns in line with their business objectives, set a precise budget and select unique audiences and ad placement options. These ads can appear mainly on Facebook and Instagram, but also on Facebook’s family of apps and services. 

What are the differences? 

Facebook: Facebook users want to share things they care about and find out what’s going on in the world. So, businesses use Facebook to connect, achieve goals and get messages out, whether it’s for B2B or B2C.


Instagram: People using Instagram want to share photos and videos, find inspiration, and explore new interests (which is possible thanks to the way the Instagram algorithm works). Instagram helps businesses feed off users’ passions, get messages across through unique formats, and push exploration. Therefore, this platform is more effective for B2C than B2B, unlike Facebook which is more versatile. 


What are the different types of Facebook Ads? 

There are two types of ads on Facebook: sponsored posts and ads created from scratch. 

Sponsored posts: they highlight one of your posts, whether it is a popular post, one that reflects current trends, or one that promotes your events. This method will bring you more reactions, a new audience, and better brand awareness. 

Ads: When creating ads on Facebook Ads, you should always have a goal in mind: awareness, consideration or conversion. Then, you will have to define a visual and a text that must be original and striking, so that the user stops on your content and performs the action that is expected of him.

2. What are the advantages of Facebook Ads?

Reach a very specific audience

By creating your ad in the ad manager, you will be able to select your audience very precisely. This detailed choice is only possible with online ads. Indeed, you would not be able to be as precise with traditional marketing–it is the strength of Facebook Ads, and a significant advantage. 

Adapt to very different budgets and needs

Whether you are a large company with an advertising budget that represents tens of thousands of dollars, or a small company that is just starting out, in all cases, you can reach your objectives with Facebook Ads. Of course, the higher your budget, the better your ad performance will be. However, even with a small budget, results will still be visible if your strategy is well-defined.

Be where the audience is: online 

In 2020, Internet users worldwide spent an average of 2 hours and 22 minutes per day on social networks. (Statista) This number shows the importance of social media today. Therefore, Facebook ads have a major advantage, as they are located where the audience is: online. By being at the heart of user communications and interactions on these platforms, Facebook Ads allow you to subtly convey messages to your audience.

Adapt your strategy based on what works best 

Finally, the last major advantage of Facebook Ads is their flexibility. Indeed, you can very easily analyze your results and understand what works best. Then, you can put more money in the most profitable ads, or deactivate the ones whose results aren’t as expected. This way, you constantly adapt to your audience and get the best possible results.

3. Who should advertise on Facebook?

Any business wanting to showcase their products or services to a specific audience through the web! As we’ve shown you in this blog post, Facebook Ads lets you reach many different objectives, with very different budgets and unique strategies. They will allow you to differentiate yourself, and highlight your brand image and your creativity. Whether you’re a B2B or B2C business, Facebook Ads will allow you to reach interested audiences and easily incite them to take action! So what are you waiting for? 


Social Media Manager

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